Saturday, January 11, 2020

Variety of interior styles

A variety of interior styles embodied in the interior decoration of the premises not only illustrate the taste preferences of the owners or the talent of the designer, but also often reflect the aesthetics of the culture of an entire era that influenced the features of a particular style. How often, watching historical films and documentaries, reading books, we notice the characteristic features in clothes, hairstyles, cars, interior items that are guessed in many things of the modern world that surrounds us. It’s sometimes nice to realize that the mirror hanging in your hallway is similar to what was hanging in the chambers of some Earl, and a similar vasefrom your table could stand in the palace of the Japanese emperor. The modern selection of interior items is so wide that you can create the atmosphere of any era in your home or office.

To date, the most common types of interiors, associatively referring to a specific historical period, are the following:

high tech,
Art Deco,
The ethnic direction of interior styles is represented by:

oriental (oriental)
French and others
Now that we have an idea of ??the variety of styles in the modern understanding of the interior, we can analyze some of them in more detail.

Romanesque style was founded in Europe in the ninth century. It is characterized by massive elements, beds with canopies, round arches, chairs with fairly high backs, chests, chests. Windows and doors are decorated with ornaments, which often beat out the motifs of curls and leaves.

Gothic style , dominated in the thirteenth - fifteenth centuries. He brought a peculiar mystical element to the types of interiors. Gothic signs are windows in the form of roses, exquisite ornaments, stained glass windows, a fireplace. The decoration mainly uses stone, metal (bronze or iron), marble.

Baroque style dates back to the sixteenth century. This is the most magnificent and solemn kind of interior, which is characterized by the presence of candelabra, candlesticks, chic chandeliers and mirrors, carved furniture, marble elements, etc.

The classic style was formed in the seventeenth century. Among all types of interior, this one is most demanding on symmetry and accuracy at different levels. The classical style is also characterized by the simplicity of lines, restrained tones, a small amount of bronze and gilded jewelry, stucco moldings.

Empire style appeared at the end of the eighteenth century. The presence of antique associations in architecture and interior (columns, cornices, friezes, consoles, etc.) is characteristic. All pieces of furniture are modeled on sphinxes, herms, lion paws, etc.

Art Nouveau style . The main feature of this type of interior is the use of new materials, primarily metal and glass. In interiors decorated in Art Nouveau style, innovative ideas are multilevel floors, improvisation. The modern style of the interior is characterized by the use of metal, tile, polished wood, restrained colors and bright accents.

Retro-style appeared as a kind of interior, evoking memories of the past. It is believed that after twenty years, things are already moving into the category of retro, therefore, they can add their own nuance to the retro interior.

Hi-tech is a modern trend in interior design. It focuses on the aesthetic development of glass and metal, as well as many artificially produced materials. The characteristic colors of this type of interior are white, black, silver, metallic.

Country style is designed for those who are impressed by the rural way of life. Among the types of interior, this style is relatively young - it was only about 40 years ago that it began to be purposefully used for interior decoration. It is characterized by elements bearing the imprint of a person’s hand: homespun tablecloths, bedspreads, embroideries, old chests, appropriate utensils, etc.

Chinese style . This type of interior is well recognizable thanks to the well-known attributes of the teachings of Feng Shui with its inherent clear organization of space, screens, bright colors, simple wicker furniture.

Japanese style . This style is characterized by the presence of furniture made from old natural wood, elegant medium-sized elements (miniature gardens, ikebans, dwarf trees). The main dominants of this type of interior are conciseness and simplicity.